Saturday, July 28, 2012

The course

Woke up in OBE state wandering around and thought I might check if there could be some kind of courses or training in other dimensions, like energy work or magic or something like that.  As soon as the thought came I as in a class room with full of students and a teacher. I was listening to the teacher talking about something and I did not understand anything that the teacher was saying because it felt like it was out of my understanding, similar like going to a 10 day course but not attending the first 9 days and then try to learn on the last day.  As soon as I started to loose interest the teacher noticed me and asked me to go away, but I got interested in the environment of the class room so I started to wander around.  The teacher got irritated and asked me again in such force that did not know what happened, like I was pushed out, I got the feeling that I was not welcome there anymore unless I would commit myself to learn the things that where taught there.

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