Saturday, July 21, 2012

Exotic flying

One morning I was in bed and did not want to wake up, it was so nice and warm in bed.  I was just between wake and sleep, so I thought maybe I could do some OBE and the next thing I knew that I was far away in the country here in Iceland. It was beautiful, the trees, flowers, grass, everything was so colorful and it was so much color. It was daylight so I just thought I should fly home. I jumped and started flying and it was so crazy fun that I screamed.  I noticed that there where people at the ground and they noticed me that I was screaming and looked up.  I tried to use the road to lead me because I did not recognize the surroundings from the air, but I knew the road because I have driven this road before. I got faster, and faster. IT WAS HUGE FUN, then it was time to wake up and go to work, that was not as much fun.


  1. Interesting experiencies.

    I'm trying to archieve obes because I'm very interested to visit the akashic records, and also find out what is going to happen on december of this year, but the few astral travels I've had I can't control them well and I return to the body too fast.

    1. Don´t really know what is going to happen december this year. But hopefully nothing will happen. I think that the problem is that we are always afraid that something will happen in the future and I think that we should not fear it, because we should not always think of what is going to happen but rather live in the now in peace.

      Btw, thanks for posting. I´m thinking about creating a book about this subject and I´m wondering would you buy it if it had only diaries ? What would you like to see in book about this subject ?

    2. This thing about December is intriguing, but perhaps you are right. I should live the present and don´t worry about the future.

      I have the money, so I wouldn´t mind buying a book in English about this subject since I can read English very well. But are you willing to export your book to Mexico? Knowing only I and maybe a few others would buy it? :)

      I don´t mean to discourage you, but if you want to publish a book about your obe experiences, you would have a terrible enemy that might reduce the sales considerably and this enemy is right in front of you. The internet.

      In internet you can find thousands of people(both experts and novices) telling their experiences for free in forums, their own homapages, facebook or like you, in their blog, so my advice is: If you have the money and your wife´s support, then go for it. There is also the option of an e-book, it would be cheaper to make but the problem is that it is easier to pirate. So the final decision is yours.

      What would I like to see? That's easy, out of the ordinary experiences definitely would catch my attention. For example I’ve read a lot of people telling about their first obes, how they see their own physical body, how they explore the house, talk to a deceased relative, visit other cities, see shadows/monsters that haunt them, etc. those are already well known.

      However, few write about check for other life in other planets (as you are planning to do), go to the buttom of the sea, the center of the Earth, what they experienced in the akashic records, what their spiritual master/guide tells them, I´ve read you can go to the future or past so writing about that would be cool, also they say you can change your appearance, so you should give it a try, can you extend your legs 3 meters? Can you grow an extra finger in you hands? Grow wings in the back? somethings like that.

      Another important thing is (if you write the book) tell more details. The experiences you post here are short, that’s perfect for a blog, but in a book they should be longer, try to remember as many details (even the small ones) as you can during your travels and write them, like how do you see the sky, it is different than our perception with the physical body? What about the plants, what happen when you touch them, the animals, do they perceive you? I believe things like those would help making your book more appealing.

    3. Thanks this is an awesome comment :). Yeah I have been thinking about that just as you say, how the future will be etc. and the book would only be sold like an e-book because it is so easy to self publish a book, you don´t need a special publisher or like that. There are many books out there on "how to" astral project but there are only few rare books about the subject of the experience such as the akashic records in depth, talking to another beings such as extraterrestrials. I have once met a being that I would call extraterrestrial but it seem that they have no interest in communicating, but once is only one time that does not mean that everyone has no interest.

      Yes, I would create a book if only three would buy.

      BTW, what I have learned and is very hard for human mind to comprehend because it is out of our understanding, that is that the past, present and the future has already happened, that does not mean that we do not have free will, for example if one has a choice that can lead to two different paths, those paths will both exist, it means that when you choose something that will be the dimension that you will live in. So there are countless of dimensions that exist, even scientists are saying that this is a very real possibility. For one to tell a prophecy about the future could be very hard. If it would be easy then everyone that can do OBE would be a millionaire using this to enhance his stocks or win the lottery by finding the right numbers for specific time and place, I´m not saying that it cant be done ;).

    4. One thing, it would be great if you could post this site to someone you know or link it to a site if you have one. It is awesome to know that someone is actually reading my blog and commenting :).

  2. mmm... odd. Thought I had already left an answer here, but I don't see it anymore I suppose I mis-clicked something. Anyway, sorry but I don't own a site and my friends are not interested in these kind of subjects (their loss).

    But I found easily your blog via google so I'm sure many people will visit, however I strongly suggest you allow people to post here with the profiles: name/url and anonymus since they don't require registration (many people don't like to register)
