Sunday, July 29, 2012

Meeting Extraterestrials

One time I was having an OBE with all pre effects before leaving the body, the pressure, electricity going through my body.  While out I was thinking what I should do, so I thought why not try to contact some aliens that are in spaceships or something like that.  As soon as the thought came I was in a black room that had a very little light in it, the room was very clean but it felt like everything was very unclean.  I walked and looked around me and saw someone there, it was some being that I have never seen before, it looked thin but did not look like the aliens as are described in books and movies.  The alien had some kind of suit, don´t know if it was a space suit or something, the suit was grayish but I really did not see everything because it was darkish there.  The alien was doing something on some board that looked just like stone panel coming from the floor and did not have any lights on it or nothing.  I walked towards the alien and tried to communicate, the alien seemed to notice me there but tried to ignore me, so I tried again and then I got the feeling that he was not interested in communicating with me, like I had nothing to offer to him.  So I just lost interest myself and went home to my body.

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