Sunday, January 20, 2013

REM me a light

Took a nap today, noticed that my body was asleep, so I tried to do some Obe. When I started to feel the electrick tingling pressure in my body. It was dark and I could not see anything so I tried to find out how I could manually open my eyes, I felt as my physical eyes where open, but just small opening. As I tried to see I saw light sparkling around me, so I thought maybee this could be somekind of REM sleep as my eyes are moving automatically and my eyelids have small opening then the light around me where coming through so my brain is probably decoding it as somekind of light sparkles. But it did not seem as my brain trying to figure out what was going on but rather it was like I was in some kind of a sparkly place. I lost interest in this so I just wanted to fly, I popped out of my body with out hardly trying. I flew threw the window and up in the air. Ahhh, it felt so nice to fly into the ski, but it seemed like the environment was not as it should be, I tried to focus on what was wrong and then I noticed that it was dark outside, but I knew that it was not as dark outside as I was seeing. I told myself to try to figure out how to see better and suddenly as I thought about it everything got more clear and light became more. I was drifting into sleep and I feelt loosing control, suddenly I woke up in the air moving toward some house on a small island, it did not feel like a dream and it did not feel like a obe experience, but rather somewhere in between. Maybe this was a lucid dream because I felt having contol. I went into the house and sat down at a table in front of a woman. Everyone was watching me and talking to each other wispering and I could net hear what they where saying. This was a dull place so I asked the woman if she wanted to get iut of this place, she nodded and we whent outside. It started to rain and it was a lot of rain. Few meters away was somekind of house that was under construction, we ran to the building and went iside. There was an elevator there and it did not work, I opened it to see what was on the other side and heard some noices as someone was there so I closed the door. Next to the elevator there where stairs that we walked up. As we came to the second floor there where a receptionist, we tried to sneek past here and opened another door. Behid that door where other people who where doing some yoga or something like that. I asked them to go away because I was the dreamer and I controlled the dreem. They went away bug someone stayed inside. I asked him forcefully to go and he said no and said that I was not the only one in this place. I knew that I did not hve control over him as I did the others. It was like that he was in my dream or dreaming  me. He said I will show you something and suddenly I was ontop of a big waterfall. I woke up and thiught that this was something interesting to write. 

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