Thursday, August 30, 2012

The dark man

I woke up last night and felt that I was having the sensation of vibration through out my body. So I just waited until it passed so I could leave my body. It was a few moments until I felt something holding my hands down, I did not think about it much so when I felt the time to try to leave the body I got stuck. What ever I did I could not move, but every time I tried to leave I felt like hands holding my hands down. I was laying on my back with my hands straight. I tried as hard as I could but could not move, then I thought maybe if I try to check if I could see, maybe my hands are wrapped around the sheet or something like that. I opened my eyes slowly and saw a dark figure on top of me, I saw him clearly.  The head, his shoulders, arms and his body, he was dark like see through, I could not see his face or his body like a real physical person.  I got frightened of this dark man, because I did not know who he was or why he was there holding me down.  So I struggled as much as could to move my physical body, but could not do that. I noticed that he struggled as hard as he could to hold me down. Then I tried to talk and could not move my lips, then suddenly I said as loud as I could "Go away, Go away" and the dark man just went away like smoke going away. But my voice was not loud, it was like was trying to scream and the dark man was trying to choke me.  Then I was not frightened anymore and thought this is very similar when I had my first OBE experience when I was a little boy.  I felt like this dark figured man was the same man as I met when I was little.  Few minutes later I just went to sleep.



    This post reminds me of what people call sleep paralysis. It's fairly common apparently. As a matter of fact, I learned it was called "sleep paralysis" while it was happening to me. One night it happened and I thought to myself "I need to research this when I wake up" the words "Sleep Paralysis" came to me in my head and I thought "Oh, I must remember that when I wake up." Sure enough, it happens to a lot of people with the same exact symptoms you and I both have.

    I grew up in a Pentecostal church so it took a while for me to reconcile what I was experiencing and what I was taught to believe. That's a long story so I won't go into it but suffice it to say I was pretty scared of "demons" for quite a while.

    But after getting used to OBE and studying Occult studies such as Aleister Crowley or The Golden Dawn, I got over it.

    One of my favorite memories of running into demonic or malicious presences happened when I was having a classic case of Sleep paralysis. It was the classic can't move, talk, open your eyes, etc. but you can still see everything as if your eyes were open. While I was sleeping I had been playing some original recordings of Aleister Crowley reciting the Call of the Aeythers on the laptop next to the bed.

    So I woke up in SP (sleep paralysis) and even felt the "evil presence" in the room. I said to it in my mind that it was bugging me and I wanted it to leave so I could go back to sleep. I don't think it liked being dismissed so easily so it decided to try to scare me, I guess. It turned the song on my laptop from what I was playing to a Soundgarden song. I don't remember which one it was, but it was clearly Soundgarden. I guess it thought I would be impressed.

    So what do I do? I slowly begin to wiggle my fingers and try to get control of my hand. It took a minute or two (which felt like eternity) to get control of one of my hands but I eventually did and was able to lift my arm into the air. That's when I shot the being a bird. Yep, that's right. That just happened. As soon as I did that I felt it leave and I was able to wake up. When I woke up Aliester Crowley was still playing on the computer.

  2. Yeah I have also read that this is something to do with sleep paralysis. Funny how the body and mind can split into two, scary thought if this could be forever.
