Friday, August 24, 2012

Seeing or not seeing

Once I woke up knowing that I was going to leave the body, the vibrations where like pressure waves going through my whole body. As I realized that it was time to leave the body, I could not do it. I tried and I tried but it did not happen. The vibrations where going slowly and sometimes fast, but what ever I did to try to leave the body, nothing happened.  Then I thought maybe I should just wait and see what happens. After a while nothing happened so I tried to see if I could see through my eyelids and tried as hard as I could. Nothing happened while trying to see, even if I knew that I was in the vibration state. So I thought maybe I should imagine like I was opening my physical eyelids and see what happens, I tried as hard as I could but nothing happened.  So after a while trying with out success I just figured I should just go to sleep, at that point I could see through my eyelids but I could not move or nothing.  I knew and felt that my eyelids where closed and even so I saw the top of my room, but I could not focus correctly nor I could move my eyes to see any other part of the room.  I was getting frustrated so I decided just to go to sleep.

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