Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sometimes frusterating

Why can´t I just experience OBE when I want to experience it? So the past few years I have experienced and not voluntary OBE travel but never gotten to the point where I can get this experience when I want to experience.  So I begun to think why and here is a list where it could be the problem why I don´t go voluntary.

  • To much stress, work, family, money and everything in between can cause stress.
  • To short time for learning, I try as much as I can to learn and read books about the subject.
  • Thinking a lot about work, I´m a computer scientist, I think a lot about solutions for problems, it is on auto drive.
  • Thinking a lot about my physical body, such as itch that needs to be scratched and or watery mouth.
Last night I tried to have OBE experience but no avail, just at the time of falling to sleep I got the feeling of electricity through my body for like a second but then click I fell asleep.

It seems like when I have non-voluntary OBE experience and I get this electricity feeling through my body it seems like it is easy going from my physical form and I think often "it is so easy, I know I can do this voluntary when I like, I just need to think inward like I´m shrinking or falling" but when I try voluntary it is not so easy.

At least I have experiences and I will post my past experiences to my blog, hope you will be interested and follow me. :)

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