It has been a long time since I posted a diary about my experiences. The problem is that I did not have many experiences last year, and I think the problem is that I don´t have time to think because of work. But anyhow I have been working with thoughts about life and stuff and some of the answers that I get are really rational and make sense. I have had two experiences this year and here is the first one, I will post the second one later.
I was asleep and noticed that I was getting an OBE, it got me excited so I tried to focus on the waves of electrical surge throughout my body. As I popped out of the body, I became aware of my environment, then the next thing I was lucid dreaming. I noticed that I was lucid dreaming so I tried to become more aware what I was doing, next thing I remember I was flying through the skies over some valley which had some sea water. I did not have a clue where I was. I became scared and started to fall, as I tried to move to a small hill I heard sound of wolves howling and I noticed that they where following me. I walked up the small hill and saw a lion which followed me, I became more scared and moved further up the hill, but the lion was still following me. I became to think about why I should be scared because I was in the OBE, so I turned back and faced the lion, as I moved closer to the lion I noticed that it was also scared. I moved a little bit closer to the lion so I could touch his fur, it was growling. I looked into it´s eyes and saw my self. This was only a test for my self to face my fears but not run away from them. After that I had fallen into the water I became aware that I was in a lucid dream.
I felt my body in bed and I knew that it was time to go back, but I did not want to go back. I wanted to stay longer. I thought "NO I DON´T WANT TO GO BACK" as this thought had entered my mind it was like a great force had pushed me from my body. I was in my room, it was dark and I tried to see. I was beginning to feel uneasy because I have forced my self from the body. It became more difficult to move, then I thought maybe I should go back and rest. With an instance I was back in my body. I opened my eyes and saw a dark man moving side of my bed. I knew that this dark man is the same man that I saw when I was little. I became a little bit scared, but very few seconds had passed and I had fallen asleep.
Next OBE I had was extreme, I was so aware of everything. Check out my next blog post.
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